This website is dedicated to Wing Commander Secret Ops Simulator Mission add-ons. Each mission can be played as a stand-alone or as part of my version of the continuing Wing Commander Saga.
All missions are made using the following programs:
Mission Builder Version 1.2.1
WCP/SO String Editor 1.02
WCPEdit 1.8 SE
by Thomas Bruckner.
WC-SO Mission Compiler Version 1.01
by Mario 'HC1' Brito.
SOSIM v1.0
By Alex 'Locke' Fong
Wing Commander Secret Ops.
Origin Systems, Inc
Thanks to all those who have helped me out over the past year and a bit (Thomas, HC1, et al) and the WC-CIC for putting up my first missions (so long ago:)...
Cheers all
Primarch (2001)